
Learn more about Elliant Counseling Services from interviews with our founder and testimonials from our clients!

An image of Thera-Peas with an inspirational quote on a bookshelf.

Linnaya chats with Shoutout Colorado

Linnaya spoke to Shoutout Colorado about her personal journey of healing, her mentors and inspirations, and the founding of Elliant Counseling Services in 2007.

Linnaya & Gina on Conversations Podcast

Linnaya and Gina spoke to the fine folks at the podcast Conversations on Sex, Addiction, and Relationships about Neurofeedback and how it can help those recovering from trauma, betrayal, and sex addiction (and more!).

β€œThe forces aligned when I was referred (by a friend) to Linnaya over 6 years ago. I have so much gratitude for the compassion, consummate skill, and amazing expertise that Linnaya holds. My life has truly changed. Through the work of talk therapy, EMDR, Brainspotting, and Neurofeedback, I have learned to Identify and continue to work through my Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

β€œI am forever thankful to her as I continue to hold empathy for self and have ultimately become a better partner and parent. Linnaya, thank you for all that you do to help mend the world. You are fabulous!”

~Anonymous Client

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